Organisational Compliance reviews and reporting

Organisational Compliance reviews and reporting

We carry out an independent review and report on compliance status in the areas of;

Corporate Governance

Governance in corporations is now an issue of fundamental importance on a worldwide scale.
An audit on Governance is an independent assessment of an organization with a view of expressing an opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the processes, policies, procedures and systems within the legal and regulatory framework and in line with the Global best practices on corporate governance for the interest of its stakeholders.
We will carry out the audit in line with the applicable Codes of Governance and the internationally accepted Standards of Governance

Environmental Audits

Today, Environmental Audits (EA) is a key prerequisite to setting up any operations coming into contact with the environment and is annually revisited for compliance and licensing in most instances.
Our partnership approach gives you a platform to make all enquiries on all the requirements towards providing you with reliable environmental assessment report(s) as statutorily required. This support gives you assurance on the item of;
Conformity with the Approved Environmental Management Plan and sound environmental management practices or advising on the same.
In the same approach, we shall liaise in conducting Environmental Impact Assessment for your organization.
In order to obtain annual licensing renewals, we shall put together necessary reporting requirements on your behalf.
Enquire with us now.

Risk appraisals

An organization risk assessment is carried out by our professional team with a view to compiling a comprehensive report on identified risk exposures.

Risk reporting is helpful to an organization in terms of taking appropriate steps for mitigation, eventual minimization and elimination of risk.

Tax status reporting

We check tax compliance levels in light of the obligations and advise you the appropriate action in case of identified gaps. We use the following approach;

Organisational tax health check assessment to provide assurance on compliance with applicable tax obligations

Due Diligence Reports

This is a comprehensive appraisal of a business undertaken by a prospective buyer, especially to establish its assets and liabilities and evaluate its commercial potential. It is also an assessment to determine the benefits, liabilities, risks and opportunities available in a potential venture.
There are various types of due diligence such as financial DD, commercial DD, vendor DD et cetera.
Our team comprise of a diversity of expertise that will see guide the due diligence process and eventually render a report and the arising recommendations.

Review of Human Resources

Our review of Human Resource policies, practices, processes, procedures and systems will give you a report on any gaps.

Legal &Regulatory Compliance reports

Reviewing organisations’ Legal status is a precursor for establishing the balance unresolved legal issues, setting out actionable areas, checking compliance or lack of it including the recommendation to comply.

IT Systems review and reporting

The systems fostering Information Technology are key for any orgnanisation.
A review of the IT Systems will bring out any deficiencies or limitations which when resolved results to increased efficiency or informed upgrading.

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